Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a life-long disease consisting of various symptoms, characterized by deficits including communication, social interaction, repetitive behavior, hyperactivities, and fixed interests. In more severe situations, autism can bring about cognitive disorders besides dysfunction in social skills, influencing one’s social interaction and occupation.


Currently, there is no clear cure for autism. For those with significant disorders in life, we hope to let them practice their skills and later be equipped for social life. Our ultimate aim is to let them live on their own. To achieve this goal, we hope to let autism communities around the globe have a closer communication with each other, learning and getting inspired.



A Garden builds a global community that links volunteers working with autism related programs. We invite autism social services, autistic communities, researchers in autism, and all people with a passion in the betterment of autism to join us. Through sharing course materials, feelings experiences of autism related services, works from those children with autism, and opinions from people or family members in the autistic community, we hope to form a more suitable and comfortable way of help for children with autism around the globe.


We provide a sharing platform to course materials. Joined autism service communities and organizations post the course video, documents, and ideas. Different organizations can look over the videos from other ones and communicate them about new ideas, inspirations, or their own experiences. The shared materials are also free to access for the public, and autistic communities can watch the materials and comment for thanks and advices.